Tokugawa ieyasu establishes shogunate government tokugawa shogunate in the town of edo . edo period begins 德川家康在江户建立江户幕府江户时代
Its long history of prosperity started with the establishment of the shogunate by tokugawa ieyasu in 1603 东京历史悠久,从1603年德川家康开设幕府起繁荣起来。
Originally named edo , the city started to flourish after tokugawa ieyasu established the tokugawa shogunate here in 1603 当时称为“江户” , 1603年德川家康在这里建立德川幕府后城市开始繁荣起来。
Enshrining tokugawa ieyasu , this has undergone numerous expansions and renovations with the techniques of woodworking masters under the supervision of iemitsu 是供奉德川家康的神社,由家光进行改扩建,极尽工匠技术之精华。